An Old Fashioned Caribbean Inn On Bequia In St Vincent

An Old Fashioned Caribbean Inn On Bequia In St Vincent And The Grenadines

Old fashioned Caribbean accommodation is becoming rare, the Caribbean Inn or Guesthouse has not 베트남황제투어 vanished entirely it isnt often you will find one as charming as Julie and Isolas Guest house on Bequia in the Grenadines.

Julies Guest House is in actual point of fact two guesthouses, one behind the other, and it is situated not far from the ferry landing pier in Port Elizabeth on Bequia., almost just across the road.

Typically Caribbean accommodation is simple, and perfect for the traveller who wants to visit the Caribbean, but doesnt have much money to spend, but wants to experience the old fashioned holidaymakers lifestyle as opposed to the five star resort comforts and the life in a bubble that you get there.

Julie and Isolas Guesthouse does exactly that. The accommodation is Caribbean, simple, clean and family run, in this case by the McIntoshes.who do a brilliant job from their own special rum punches to what is possibly the best kitchen on Bequia.

To stay at Julies which by the way is very famous throughout the Grenadines will cost $39 for a double with no meals, $54 if you include breakfast, and $78 including dinner, all figures in US$.

The meals are delicious and famous Caribbean fare, and at dinner the menu is different each night, with the emphasis definitely on seafood. It is of course very fresh indeed, and Julie makes soups to die for.

Of the two guesthouses the one nearer the road is more modern, and roomy but noisy, so if you want the real Caribbean experience then stay in the older second guesthouse. The wooden verandah is just old Caribbean and whilst open and not in the least private does encourage conversation between fellow guests, and you will find much in common with the people who chooses this kind of old fashioned Caribbean Inn. It has to be said the walls are fairly thin in this second guesthouse, honeymooners be warned!!

The real charm of Julies guesthouse is the kindness, care and consideration, all honestly given, and are without equal anywhere in the world. This is a real belong to the family feel place that Julie and Isola have successfully run for over 25 years. The give out a huge amount of love at their Guesthouse on Bequia, and get loads back with many many people who can afford to, but wont stay anywhere else.

One of the great things about Julies Guesthouse is its central position, convenient for the dollar buses and taxis which you will need to get yourself to Lower Bay and Friendship Bay. Take the bus because that means you travel with the local people, so you will travel to the sounds musical of the Caribbean.

Lower Bay is a great beach with a couple of restaurants/bars, and never too crowded.

Julie and Isolas Guest House on Bequia in the Grenadines is true Caribbean accommodation at its very best, where you will be treated in a way you thought only your mother could, so because of this it is a real home from home. So if you wish to visit Bequia, then dont even contemplate staying anywhere else.

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